Traditionally, round dairy dishes would be served on Palm Sunday (Pūpolsvētdiena) and Easter (Lieldienas). You could make cottage cheese pancakes, or go up a step and...
Caramel cookies (Riekstiņi)
Riekstiņi (“Little nuts”) is the closest thing to a cookie sandwich you can get in Latvia. It usually is made in the shape of a walnut;...
Jam tea cake (Ievārījuma kēkss)
What do you do with jam that has gone off? Latvians in all their thrifty knowledge will have an answer for this, of course. To be...
Poppy seed scrolls
Latvians love their pastries (smalkmaizītes). They come in all shapes and sizes, from braided buns with raisins and sugar glaze to custard filled nests to soft...
Rye Bread
Rye bread (rupjmaize, rudzu maize) always has been a staple of Latvian diet. Traditionally, Latvians ate whatever was available during the season – cereals, legumes and...