The most prominent Latvian Easter tradition is to dye eggs with natural ingredients – onion skins, parsley, frozen or preserved blueberries and blackberries, grass, leaves, rice,...
Lieldienas (Easter)
Lieldienas (Easter) is a celebration of the arrival of spring and sun, the spring equinox. With the rise of Christianity, Lieldienas was celebrated on the day...
Cottage cheese and semolina cake (Biezpiena plācenis)
Traditionally, round dairy dishes would be served on Palm Sunday (Pūpolsvētdiena) and Easter (Lieldienas). You could make cottage cheese pancakes, or go up a step and...
Pūpolsvētdiena (Palm Sunday)
Pūpolsvētdiena (Palm Sunday, while it is more commonly known as “Pussy Willow Sunday” in the northern part of Europe) marks the beginning of the Holy Week....
Vintage Latvian Easter Cards
Happy Easter! As I could not choose one, here is a collection of colourful, cheerful and mischievous vintage Latvian Easter cards...