Recipes from The Cookbook Project

Aspic (Galerts)

Bacon buns (Pīrāgi)

Baked cheese toasties (Ceptas siermaizītes)

Bean salad (Pupiņu salāti)

Beef turnovers (Buljona pīrādziņi)

Bilberries and milk (Mellenes ar pienu)

Braised cabbage

Breakfast sandwiches (Brokastu sviestmaizes)


Cabbage rolls (Kāpostu tīteņi)

Cabbage rolls – lazy version (Slinkie kāpostu tīteņi)

Caramel cookies (Riekstiņi)

Carrot pudding (Burkānu pudiņš)

Cauliflower with brown butter (Puķukāposti ar brūnu sviestu)

Cheesecake (Biezpienmaize)

Cottage cheese (Biezpiens)

Cottage cheese cookies (Biezpiena cepumi)

Cucumber salad (Latgales salāti)

Cured salmon (Mazsālīts lasis)

False hare (Viltotais zaķis)

Fish in carrot and tomato sauce (Zivs burkānu un tomātu mērcē)

Fish soup (Zivju zupa)

Garlic Bread (Ķiploku grauzdiņi)

Gingerbread (Piparkūkas)

Green salad (Lapu salāti)

Hazelnut meringue chocolate cake (Cielaviņa)

Herb dip (Zaļā mērce)

Honey on rye bread (Rupjmaize ar medu)

Jam tea cake (Iavārījuma kēkss)

Lauku torte

Lazy cabbage rolls (Slinkie tīteņi)

Lieldienu olas (Easter eggs)

Lilac ice tea (Ceriņu ledus tēja)

Marinated pumpkin (Marinēts ķirbis)

Meatball soup (Frikadeļu zupa)

Meatballs (Kotletes)

Midsummer cheese (Jāņu siers)

Milk dumpling soup (Piena klimpu zupa)

Milk vegetable soup (Piena dārzeņu zupa)

Oatmeal (Auzu pārslu putra)

Pickled cucumbers (Mazsālīti gurķi)

Plum cake (Plūmju kūka)

Poppy seed scrolls (Magoņmaizītes)

Potato pancakes (Kartupeļu pankūkas)

Potato salad (Kartupeļu salāti)

Potato salad (Rasols)

Roast chicken (Cepta vista)

Rye bread (Rupjmaize)

Rye bread with honey (Rupjmaize ar medu)

Rye bread breakfast sandwiches

Sauerkraut (Skābēti kāposti)

Sauteed green peas (Štovēti zirnīši)

Sauteed sauerkraut (Štovēti kāposti)

Sorrel soup (Skābeņu zupa)

Stuffed peppers (Pildīti pipari)

Stuffed rissoles (Graši)

Summer slaw (Jauno kāpostu salāti)

Tangy soup (Pikantā zupa)

Tomato salad (Tomātu salāti)

Tomato scrambled eggs (Olu kultenis ar tomātiem)

Vegetable tart (Sklandrausis)

Wax beans (Vaska pupas)

White bread breakfast sandwiches

Yeast pancakes (Rauga pankūkas)

Zucchini relish (Kabaču salāti)



  1. Laima
    February 5, 2020

    Tik jauki redzēt klasiskas latviešu receptes vienā vietā, un tik jauki formatētas! :)

  2. Glen Sheluchin
    December 15, 2020

    I read through some of your recipes and realised how “Latvian I was brought up (fed) – mum (Scheluchin)was born in Riga and married an Australian. The “new Australian ” attitude prevailed around the time (1950’s)so sadly I was never taught Latvian. My grand mother (Erpik) was a fantastic cook – very inventive with ingredients, with twists on a lot of the recipes here. Little wonder as her mum was a french pastry cook. Reading the recipes made me laugh and saddened me at the same time, reminding me of my life as a child eating granma’s wonderful inventions and the vacuum left by her death. Crumbs on the table swept by the hand was money from the house. When using salt – a pinch was always thrown over the left shoulder by right handed person, “salt in the devils eye, she would say” If you got a fright – you must immediately begin spitting ( like in my greek wedding ) this is to rid yourself of the fright?……so many weird things.

    1. Irene
      March 4, 2021

      I remember some of those! If we swung our feet at the table, our vecamama would say, “Velns šūpojas us kājām,” (the devil is swinging on your feet.” Always made us stop, ha ha!

      1. Valda Rubio
        January 8, 2023

        Omg I love that saying – my grandma said something similar when I was very little but I misinterpreted it as “the devil hangs out the snails” God know what she was trying to say!

    2. John Zelvis
      July 5, 2022

      Weird my dad was Latvian WWII refugee and married a dinky di aussie. My mum cooked a lot of these recipes. Unusual food for Aussies in the 60s and 70s. She must have loved him a lot to give him a taste of home.

    3. Anonymous
      December 20, 2023

      My Latvian grandparents had the same view about not learning Latvian as it was about assimilating – even though I was born in Melbourne.

  3. Laura
    February 15, 2021

    Liva! I am so grateful to you for doing this. I am a 1/2 Latvian on my mothers side (she was born in Riga and at age 5, was moved to a refugee camp in Germany where she stayed 8 years before migrating to the U.S.) she passed away last Thursday and I find myself wishing to grieve with Latvian food. do you have a recipe for Galerts? it was what we prepared when my Omite died and I’m craving it. also, do you have other suggestions for Latvian foods that would be typical for mourning?

    thank you.


    1. Liva
      February 16, 2021

      Dear Laura, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I’ve done mourning through food too, although in my case it was hamburgers and passionfruit lemonade as that is how I will remember my father. From Latvian point of view, a funeral is followed by a big feast where your usual celebratory dishes will be served – karbonāde (crumbed pork chops), potatoes, all sorts of salad, including potato salad or rosols and pīrāgi wth various fillings. Galerts could make an appearance as appetiser. I’ll send you a recipe, I hope it helps a little bit. Liva

  4. Silvija Kalnins
    March 12, 2021

    I was just perusing your receipe file looking for a receipe for “galarts”. Could you post it in your file. It would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Liva
      March 14, 2021

      It will be available very soon!

  5. Susan stepaniak
    December 28, 2022

    I have been looking for some of these recipes for nearly 30 years. Not just in some random cook book but made the way my family did when I was too young to realize what treasures would be lost when my already old at the time ancestors past on. Exactly like Laura, above, my mom Riga born and her family came from a DP camp and then moved (to Chicago) after WWII. Thank so much, words can not convey what this means to me. Btw, if you do have a book, sign me up. I’d buy it in a heartbeat!


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